Identification of suspected fraud bids through audit trails




Bidding fraud, Social network analysis, Audit trails


Different information technologies help to promote government transparency, made possible by agreements promoting and encouraging open data. Public bids are a specific type of this data, made available by the Brazilian government, and aim to ensure transparency and free competition between bidders. However, auditing for irregularities is a non-trivial task due to the massive volume of data and the reduced number of specialists. Thus, this work proposes a methodology based on concepts of audit trails and social networks to create fraud alerts in bids. We also propose an approach to ranking bids according to these tracks. The results reveal that our proposal helps in the fight against corruption by being able to identify suspicious bids.


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How to Cite

L. Costa, L., A. Bacha, C., P. Oliveira, G., O. Silva, M., C. Teixeira, M., A. Brandão, M., Lacerda, A., & L. Pappa, G. (2023). Identification of suspected fraud bids through audit trails. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 16(1), 13:1–13:23.



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