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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A submiss˜ão está em formato LibreOffice, Microsoft Word, ou Latex.

Author Guidelines

While submissions to regular issues should follow the instructions of the next sections, those to special issues & extended versions should refer to specific sections accordingly.

Submission category

The articles that address the above-mentioned may be structured in one (or more) of the following categories: 

  • Regular: completed (primary) research works presenting solid and reliable evidence of contributions obtained through a concise methodology. 
  • Survey: secondary research works reviewing existing primary literature on a specific theme of interest. The methodology should be sound and concise. 
  • Industry Case Report: manuscripts on IS technologies or innovative experience reports. Articles in this category must involve aspects of the IS Industry, generating new relevant knowledge for future research in Information Systems. They must also present technical soundness; in other words, coherence and consistency in the application of Information Systems;
  • Extended versions: extended versions of papers published at conferences or other well-known venues. The venues are carefully assessed by the editorial board and Editor-in-Chiefs.   
  • Distinguished profiles in Information Systems: short manuscripts describing the profile of distinguished people in the IS field from Brazil or abroad. 

Peer-Review Process

The review process is carried out with the support of experienced researchers in the field of Information Systems. In general, each article is reviewed by two or three reviewers, considering criteria such as presentation quality, scientific contribution, data analysis quality and the relevance of the study to the community of Information Systems. Currently, each round of reviews takes between 30 to 85 days, distributed in the following steps: 

  • 0-5 days: internal management tasks; 
  • 6-14 days: reviewers management; 
  • 15-60 days: reviews delivery; 
  • 60-85 days: notification to authors.

The timetable may vary due to delays on reviews or other internal management tasks; the Editors aim to ensure that they do not exceed 5-10 days. Reviewers are assigned to each submission considering their scientific and technological production in Information Systems, as well as their experience in the field. In case of Special Issues or Extended Versions, you should follow the instructions in the section below. 

Before submission 

Submissions of regular papers are double-blind and must adopt the template available at Download .DOTX or Download Template Latex ISyS. The submitted file should include content, figures, tables, references, and appendices (if necessary).  

Together with the paper content, the authors must submit two extra documents: 1) a covering letter describing the novel contributions of the work and why they are appropriate to the IS field; and 2) the highlights of the paper, i.e., the most important parts of the paper. These documents should be submitted using the adequate “Article Component” in the submission system. 

Apart from these documents, we encourage the authors to submit the supplementary materials as a means to ensure reproducibility of the work, as well as to match the principles of Open Science. These may include the source code, transcripts, datasets, multimedia material, source texts, spreadsheets, and data analysis files; these are available as the “Article Component” in the submission system. 

After acceptance

First of all, congratulations on the acceptance of your work in iSys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems!!! We definitely believe that it will make a great impact on our community. Well, we are here for providing instructions on your next steps:

  • [Prepare the Camera-Ready Version]. Please include authors' data and information omitted during the reviewing process. In addition, please follow the template and check any possible text presentation issues. Do not keep tables split between pages.
  • [Review ALL metadata]. Please review all metadata of your submission. Review the authors' names, and affiliation, their email, include the ORCID. Include all references, keywords, and supporting agencies. Ensure that all metadata is similar to the ones in the paper. We will not accept any adjustments on the submission after the deadline.
  • [Submit the final documents] A .ZIP file with .PDF file and source files (.DOC or .ZIP LATEX) should be sent until the 20th day of the final acceptance. It should be submitted in the "Draft Files" section of SOL.

Some common mistakes or missing information on the submissions:

  • Authors' names & affiliations are different from the paper to the metadata
  • Title is also different from paper to the metadata
  • The order of authors must reflect paper as well
  • Check the abstract and resumo if they are similar
  • The references on its field should follow the ones in the paper. There must not be any line break.
  • Check if all links are working properly on the PDF and references.
  • Please review carefully all metadata

As soon as you deal with the above issues, you can notify us with a comment on the "Copyediting Discussions".

Special Issues & Extended Versions

Submissions for special issues or extended versions should follow the description and requirements accordingly, while the reviewing process policy could be different from one special issue to another.  We truly recommend that you pay attention to this information and confirm it with the Guest Editor if necessary. 

Authors' Rights

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the paper simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License - - CC BY 4.0 - which allows sharing of the work with an acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase impact and the citation of the published work (adding in this distribution the complete citation to the article in iSys).


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