DBaaS Multitenancy, Auto-tuning and SLA Maintenance in Cloud Environments: a Brief Survey


  • Vinicius da Silveira Segalin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Carina Friedrich Dorneles
  • Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas




DBaaS, Resource management, SLA, Multitenancy, Auto-tuning


Cloud computing is a paradigm that presents many advantages to both costumers and service providers, such as low upfront investment, pay-per-use and easiness of use, delivering/enabling scalable services using Internet technologies. Among many types of services we have today, Database as a Service (DBaaS) is the one where a database is provided in the cloud in all its aspects. Examples of aspects related to DBaaS utilization are data storage, resources management and SLA maintenance. In this context, an important feature, related to it, is resource management and performance, which can be done in many different ways for several reasons, such as saving money, time, and meeting the requirements agreed between client and provider, that are defined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). A SLA usually tries to protect the costumer from not receiving the contracted service and to ensure that the provider reaches the profit intended. In this paper it is presented a classification based on three main parameters that aim to manage resources for enhancing the performance on DBaaS and guarantee that the SLA is respected for both user and provider sides benefit. The proposal is based upon a survey of existing research work efforts.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

da Silveira Segalin, V., Friedrich Dorneles, C., & Ribeiro Dantas, M. A. (2018). DBaaS Multitenancy, Auto-tuning and SLA Maintenance in Cloud Environments: a Brief Survey. ISys - Revista Brasileira De Sistemas De Informação, 11(2), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.5753/isys.2018.362



Levantamentos (Surveys)