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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Background: JIS and SOL were consulted and the submission is duly situated within the context of relevant related works
  • The Cover Letter is presenting all the necessary information for Editors and Reviewers (see Authors Guidelines)
  • The manuscript is original, has not been published and is not currently under consideration by another journal or conference (duplicate submissions are desk rejected)
  • The manuscript explicitly indicates how the ethical issues of the research were addressed and managed, including the research approval by an ethics committee when applicable
  • If the manuscript is an extended version of a paper already published, at least 35% of new and original content is provided
  • If the manuscript is an extended version of a paper already published, the original paper is also included as an additional document in the submission
  • The manuscript file is in PDF file format
  • Research materials are duly available and accessible and are listed in the Declarations section
  • Authors' contributions, following the CRediT taxonomy, are outlined in the Declarations section
  • Authors' ORCID numbers have been included in the first page
  • Authors' institution names are informed as registered in RoR, in English
  • All authors of the manuscript have read and agreed to its content and are accountable for all aspects of the accuracy and integrity of the manuscript
  • All authors agree with the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which will apply to this submission if accepted for publication in this journal.

Author Guidelines

Read these instructions carefully before submitting your manuscript:

The Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS) is published and maintained by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC). JIS is inherently interdisciplinary, and its main goals include:

  • To disseminate original scientific works on (and across) the areas related to the design, evaluation, and study of interactive computing systems in different domains.
  • To introduce scientific projects under development by research groups focused on contributing to the state-of-the-art of related themes.
  • To openly disseminate high-quality research results to a broad audience, favoring open science and knowledge sharing.

Review Process

JIS operates under a single-anonymous peer-review system, where reviewers are aware of authors' names and affiliations, but review reports provided to authors are anonymous. 

Publication of research articles by JIS depends primarily on their scientific quality and contribution as judged by our external expert editors and peer reviewers. The review process will also assess whether the writing is comprehensible and whether the work represents a valuable contribution to the field.

Submitted manuscripts are generally reviewed by three experts. Reviewers evaluate whether the manuscript helps the scientific community advance in its capacity to deal with a clear and relevant research problem, whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates already published work, and whether it is sufficiently clear for publication. Reviewers will also be asked to indicate how interesting and significant the research is. Editors will reach a decision based on these reports, and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board.

Cover Letter

Authors must present a cover letter stating the research problem the paper is approaching and the main contribution it offers to advance our capacity to understand, solve, or deal with it. 

The cover letter must also list up to five key original contributions the paper offers to the scientific community (research highlights).

Authors are encouraged to outline, both in the cover letter and at the end of the manuscript, their individual contributions to the paper, following the CRediT taxonomy.

Authors' ORCID numbers are required and must be included in the submission. Institutions' names must be informed as registered in ROR, preferably in English. 

The cover letter must also suggest the names of three reviewers, with no conflicts of interest with the authors, specialists in the article's subject.

If you are submitting an extended version of a previously published conference paper, ensure that the paper is a non-trivial extension of the version that has appeared at the conference. Please pay attention to these four requirements:

  1. Authors must ensure that the extended paper, in English, contains at least 35% new material (more is expected) compared to the previously published work. 
  2. The new version must explicitly cite the original work, indicating it is an extended and revised version. 
  3. No large blocks of text (i.e., entire sections or paragraphs) are to be copied verbatim from the conference paper: the extended version must be a rewritten paper.
  4. The .pdf file of the original published work must be provided (use the Article Component "Other") when submitting the extended paper.  
Authors must also explain in the cover letter why the manuscript is suitable for publication in the journal, thus indicating how the paper was extended and why it constitutes a worthwhile extension of the original work. Authors should, for instance, point out areas where new text or results have been included, where the text has been re-written, and where extra depth is provided. 

The cover letter may also present:

  • An explanation of why your manuscript is suitable for JIS
  • An explanation of any issues relating to journal policies
  • A declaration of any potential competing interests
  • The name of the special issue you are submitting for (if this is the case)
  • The title and venue of the previously published paper the article extends (if this is the case)


JIS publishes research articles that present contributions in several manners:

  • Concluded scientific works presenting algorithms, concepts, new devices, models, or techniques.
  • On-going research presenting new ideas with preliminary results and critical discussions, addressing important problems, describing systems' implementations, etc.
  • Surveys with a critical vision of a specific area, including a complete state-of-the-art revision and presenting a rigorous methodology (e.g., systematic reviews).
  • Essays, Position articles, or tutorials deeply covering a specific topic from a theoretical or practical point of view.

JIS does not define a maximum page limit for submissions. However, significantly longer articles must naturally reflect this need through their contribution.

Please use the "Comments for the Editor" field during submission to provide any extra information.

See the Ethical and Post-Publication Issues and the Communications pages for submissions regarding already published papers.

The 3 Rs

JIS values Rigour, Responsibility, and Reproducibility (or rationale). Articles must be transparent regarding how rigor was applied to research design, development, and analysis; the reported work must be seen through the lens of social responsibility; and the article must present authors' critical thinking and discussions, communicated in a good style and improving reproducibility (offering everything readers need to reproduce or replicate the work, or to understand the research rationale and the researcher reasoning line).

Ethical Issues

Manuscripts must explicitly indicate how the ethical issues of the research were addressed and managed, including the research approval by an ethics committee when applicable. Authors are invited to critically examine their references, background, and methods, striving to avoid and fight different biases in science (e.g., gender bias, race, ethnicity, social class, disability, etc.).

JIS subscribes to the Brazilian Computer Society's Code of Conduct and follows COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) core practices in its editorial process and published materials. See the Ethical and Post-Publication Issues page for more details and instructions.

Open and Fair Science

Articles must offer the conditions to replicate, reproduce, or understand the research design and results.

JIS encourages the authors to make their datasets, methods, software, transcripts, and other additional materials available for the readers. All the supplementary material the authors provided will appear on the paper's publication page.  

JIS calls on authors to ensure that their research recognizes contributions from underrepresented groups in science, not only in their related work section but also in theories and applied methods. 

As SOL is an open and free database that indexes JIS and other journals maintained by the Brazilian Computer Society, manuscripts submitted to JIS must ensure that SOL has been adequately consulted (i.e., included among the scientific databases considered when searching for relevant related works) and that the submission is appropriately situated in the existing literature:

Open and free of charge

JIS has no Article Processing Charges (APC) or other charges for authors and readers.

JIS is maintained and supported by the Brazilian Computer Society through three special interest groups: Human-Computer Interaction, Games, and Virtual Reality. JIS is funded by these communities, which, in turn, obtain their resources primarily from membership fees and conference registrations for students and teachers. That is why JIS has a non-negotiable commitment to open, rigorous, and quality science and the struggle for democratic and inclusive science for all people.

All papers published by JIS follow the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.


JIS publishes original research in the English language. Translations to other languages (e.g., Portuguese) can be included as supplementary materials. The document must begin with the following statement: "This document is a free translation made by the authors. Original article in English: <complete reference with doi number>.

Institutions' names must be informed as registered in ROR, preferably in English. 


Submissions must be in pdf format following the JIS LaTex template. Although we strongly recommend using the template for the first submission, adherence to the template will be enforced only upon acceptance.

Please pay attention to the error messages when compiling the main.tex file on Overleaf, which may require changing the default compiler. Change the compiler to XeLaTex in the Menu\Compiler option.

Special Issue Proposal

Special Issues are an important mechanism for presenting a focused collection of significant work about challenging themes, hot or emerging topics, specific problems and opportunities relevant to the interactive computing systems field.

See the Special Issue Proposal guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.