Building information visualization of e-learning data with Vis2Learning guidelines




Information Visualization, User Interaction, InfoVis, Educational Data, Learning Analytics


Information Visualization provides techniques to make better charts that enhance human perception about patterns in data and consequently support the user interpretation. In the educational area, visualizations help professionals to analyze a great amount of data to inform decisions to improve the learning­teaching process. The literature has shown that there is a gap in the development of educational data visualizations that fulfill end­user needs. This paper presents Vis2Learning: a scenario­based set of guidelines for the development of visualizations in the e­learning context. Vis2Learning provides a set of scenarios from which educational data visualizations can be developed, for each scenario, we provide the recommended chart, its aim, characteristics and examples of its application in the e­learning context. Besides, we provide a set of guidelines to improve users’ interaction with each chart. We applied an online questionnaire with 34 end­users (Brazilian teachers), evaluating visualizations that were created by using the Vis2Learning. The results reveal: (1) the visualizations, based on Vis2Learning, were more suitable to be applied in the e­learning context; (2) some non­traditional visualization formats are difficult to interpret by users who did not have previous experience with visualizations in the e­learning context; and (3) experience in teaching is not strictly related to knowledge of charts about educational data.



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How to Cite

MACEDO, M. P.; PAIVA, R. O. A.; GASPARINI, I.; ZAINA, L. A. M. Building information visualization of e-learning data with Vis2Learning guidelines. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 42–53, 2022. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2022.1967. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.



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