Otome Games: globalization and glocalization processes, conceptualization and data analysis of Brazilian players
Otome Games, Brazil Game Market, Globalization, Josei Muke, E-surveyAbstract
This paper endeavors to examine the concept and features of Otome Games in a comprehensive way by conducting an exploratory narrative review and applying a e-survey to understand the Brazilian Otome Game market and player's culture. This article also discusses the globalization and glocalization process of Otome Games, covering the actors, market share, exportation process, social issues, indigenization, culture, and definition. Furthermore, this paper offers a historical definition of Otome Games and their relation to Japanese feminine culture. Additionally, a fitting definition for Otome Games and other types of games - known as Josei Muke - is introduced. The indigenization process of Otome Games in South Korea and Brazil is also explored, demonstrating how this process is improving tourism and animation markets via transmedia. Finally, this paper presents data analysis from an E-survey of the Brazil fan community of Otome Games, revealing specific cultural and market aspects unique to Brazil setting it apart from other countries where Otome Games have been studied.
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