Heuristics to Support the Evaluation of Optimal Experience in Educational Games for Learning Japanese as a Second Language
CALL, L2, JCALL, flow theory, flow dimensions, flow experienceAbstract
The evaluation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tools can be carried out from the perspective of different aspects, and there’s still no proposal from the literature for the evaluation of CALL games from the perspective of an “optimal experience”. Therefore, this paper proposes a set of 32 heuristics for the evaluation of educational games for Japanese Language Learning (JCALL). Furthermore, the heuristics were applied in the evaluation of JCALL L2 (i.e., as a second language) games in order to verify their usefulness. Findings show the heuristics provide good support in the evaluation of language learning educational games, and can collaborate in the redesign of these games in order to improve the optimal player experience. Finally, results also indicate the feasibility of using these heuristics in the evaluation of other types of CALL tools other than games.
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