Tutoria: a software platform to improve feedback in education
Educational feedback, Software tools, Written assessmentAbstract
Educational feedback is essential to help students learn from their mistakes and self-regulate their learning strategies. However, work overload and lack of time are barriers for educators to give quality and timely feedback, particularly for written assessments. Software tools to support feedback processes typically focus on automatic messages, lacking personalization. We present Tutoria, a software tool that uses artificial intelligence techniques to correct assessments more efficiently while also ensuring that good practices of educational feedback are followed. Tutoria was developed through a user-centered design process, including interviews and prototype validation with undergraduate students and instructors from higher education institutions in different fields of knowledge. Results indicate that the software presents good usability and relevance for educators. We expect that Tutoria can help educators construct personalized written feedback efficiently, allowing them to give quality feedback to large groups within realistic time frames.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Taciana Pontual Falcão, Verenna Arêdes, Samuel Barbosa Jatobá de Souza, Giuseppe Fiorentino, José Rodrigues Neto, Gabriel Alves, Rafael Ferreira Mello

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