Using Networked Ontologies to Support the Development of Software Systems with Adaptive User Interface
Adaptive User Interface, Ontology, Ontology NetworkAbstract
The new ways of interacting with computers, smartphones, and other devices have brought new challenges, such as the need to ensure that different types of users can easily use the same system. Adaptive User Interface (AUI) systems have been recognized as a solution to this matter. They change the user interface to better meet the needs of different users. However, developing such systems is not trivial. It is necessary to capture the users’ characteristics and preferences and constantly adapt the system accordingly. In this paper, we discuss the use of ontologies to support the development of AUI systems. We argue that by providing structured knowledge about such systems, ontologies help understand how they work and offer a basis to structure them, identify the necessary adaptations and implement mechanisms to make them happen in run-time. We have explored the use of ontologies from an ontology network (i.e., networked ontologies) to develop a social network about academic subjects that automatically adapts its interface according to the low vision and colorblind user’s needs and usage characteristics. This exploratory study showed that using networked ontologies to develop an AUI system is useful and feasible. The ontology was useful at the conceptual level by serving as a basis to define the system’s structural model and at the operational level by providing the semantics used in a reasoning engine to adapt the UI at run-time. The first version of an ontology-based process to guide the development of AUI systems emerged from this experience and it is also presented in this paper.
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