The Emotions and Advice in Virtual Assistants: A Dual Study on Emotion Validation and Agent Suggestions in a Gaming Scenario




Virtual Assistant, Emotion Validation, Gaming Scenario, Human Trust, Agent Suggestions


In an era where virtual assistants play an increasingly prominent role in our daily lives, this study explores the implications of their advice. We investigate the interplay between trust and virtual agents’ emotional expressions, delving into a critical aspect of human-technology interaction. Conducted through a comprehensive study comprising two interconnected phases, our research examines the dynamics between virtual agents and human decision-making. The first phase involves developing and validating a virtual robotic agent capable of conveying a spectrum of emotions. Through this, gender-based differences in emotional cue perception are disclosed, shedding light on how men and women interpret these cues differently. The second phase employs an interactive memory game, where the virtual agent operates in varied emotional states. Participants’ trust levels and perceptions are meticulously evaluated in different scenarios, ranging from accurate to erroneous agent cues. Our findings elucidate the impact of the agent’s emotional expressions on participants’ perceptions, illustrating how trust is intricately influenced by both the task at hand and the agent’s behavior. This research contributes to understanding the relationship between virtual assistants and human decision-making, emphasizing the necessity of designing more engaging and interactive virtual agents. These insights prepare future research for crafting more effective virtual assistants, fostering increased user trust and engagement. 


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How to Cite

PARADEDA, R.; ALVES, Álisson; TORRES, D.; LIMA, A. The Emotions and Advice in Virtual Assistants: A Dual Study on Emotion Validation and Agent Suggestions in a Gaming Scenario. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 15, n. 1, p. 118–129, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2024.3725. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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