Swarm Robotics surveillance control with Ant Cellular Automata Model in the Cerrado Biome for preserving biodiversity





Swarm Robotics, Cellular Automata, Inverted Ants Pheromone, Environmental Surveillance, Sete Cidades National Park, Cerrado Biome, Interactive Patrol, Geographic Information System


The Cerrado biome in Brazil plays a vital role in preserving biodiversity, providing essential ecosystem services, and supporting agriculture, making it a crucial and valuable natural resource. Sete Cidades National Park stands out for its rock formations, 10,000-year-old cave paintings and its Cerrado vegetation. The Cerrado is known for being a pyrobiome, so its patrolling becomes essential. In this context, this paper introduces a novel approach to swarm robotics patrolling in the unique ecosystem of the Sete Cidades National Park, located within the Cerrado biome. The study presents three distinct cellular automata models designed for the task, aiming to enhance the efficiency and coverage of patrolling efforts. The key difference between our model presented in this research and the previous one is our focus on a map that encompasses diverse vegetation types, specifically designed to represent the Sete Cidades National Park, with a primary goal of monitoring forest fires. The results demonstrated that the best-performing model was the Forest Tabu Inverted Ant Cellular Automata, which achieved an average of 21.77 complete patrol cycles with 95% confidence. This outcome was obtained using three robots, a tabu queue of |Q| = 80, and a maximum pheromone per cell equals to ρ = 103. These parameters highlight the efficacy of this model in optimizing patrol cycles and the efficient use of resources for environmental surveillance in the Sete Cidades National Park, particularly in the context of fire prevention.


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How to Cite

BRASIEL, H. C.; LIMA, D. A. Swarm Robotics surveillance control with Ant Cellular Automata Model in the Cerrado Biome for preserving biodiversity. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 15, n. 1, p. 375–387, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2024.3796. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/jis/article/view/3796. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.



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