Exploring Subjective Sleepiness with UnnCyberpsy, a Web-Based Psychophysiological Research Tool





Web-Application, Psychophysiological Research, Subjective Sleepiness


The foundation of scientific research lies in robust data collection methodologies, increasingly embracing a data-driven paradigm within the realm of psychological studies. This paper outlines our extensive undertaking of a psychophysiological investigation utilizing the web-based platform UnnCyberpsy for seamless data aggregation and processing. Data collection stands as a pivotal phase in scientific inquiry, with an increasing inclination toward data-centric methodologies within psychological research. This study delineates our endeavor in conducting a comprehensive psychophysiological investigation employing the web-based tool UnnCyberpsy for data acquisition and analysis. Constructed within the PHP programming framework and 'CodeIgniter' microframework (version 4.0), UnnCyberpsy offers pivotal functionalities, including scheduling equipment pick-ups, guiding through test procedures using a branched algorithm, and handling data storage and preprocessing. Each test phase is pre-coded into the system, empowering participants to independently undergo the testing regimen via personal devices. Automatic data collection, preprocessing, and storage streamline the process, ensuring comprehensive participant data validation and preservation upon experiment completion. Embracing UnnCyberpsy resulted in an elimination of data loss risk to 0%, a 30% rise in potential participant engagement, and expedited data gathering constrained solely by participant numbers and equipment availability. Our exploration underscores the pivotal role of online applications like UnnCyberpsy, not only streamlining data collection but also fostering a symbiotic environment benefiting both researchers and participants. This paradigm shift towards digital platforms stands as a beacon for future research endeavors, promising unparalleled convenience and efficiency in the realm of data-driven scientific inquiry.


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How to Cite

DEMAREVA, V.; VIAKHIREVA, V.; ZAYCEVA, I.; DEMAREV, A.; NAZAROV, N. Exploring Subjective Sleepiness with UnnCyberpsy, a Web-Based Psychophysiological Research Tool. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 15, n. 1, p. 897–903, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2024.3900. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/jis/article/view/3900. Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



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