EduVR Collab: A tool for management immersive collaborative learning




virtual reality, technology-enhanced learning, learning analytics, immersive learning, multi-user


Improving education through virtual reality is challenging due to the high costs of developing systems and the lack of teacher engagement in project conception. This project introduces and evaluates a system that enables teachers to create their own lessons in virtual reality without prior programming knowledge, addressing these challenges. By integrating Learning Management tools, Learning Analytics, and Multi-user Connection Servers, we developed a system that allows multiple users to coexist in the same virtual environment and perform various tasks. Our system also enables educators to evaluate students based on their behavior. In EduVR, teachers can configure activities in advance and retrieve results. Heuristic evaluations of EduVR’s integrated environment design have demonstrated its potential as a model for developing new educational platforms, setting a new standard for virtual reality educational systems.



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How to Cite

VIOL, R. S.; FERNANDES, P. C.; LACERDA, I. I.; MELO, K. G. F.; NUNES, A. J. de A.; PIMENTA, A. S. G. M.; CARNEIRO, C. M.; SILVA, M. C.; DELABRIDA, S. EduVR Collab: A tool for management immersive collaborative learning. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 16, n. 1, p. 120–136, 2025. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2025.4276. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.



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