Technical Debt Guild

managing technical debt from code up to build




Technical Debt, Technical Debt Management, Community of Practice, Technical Debt Guild


Efficient Technical Debt Management (TDM) requires specialized guidance so that decisions taken are oriented to add value to the business. Because it is a complex problem that involves several variables, TDM requires a systemic look that considers professionals' experiences from different specialties. Guilds have been a means technology companies have united specialized professionals around a common interest, especially those using the Spotify methodology. This paper presents the experience of implementing a guild to support TDM's activities in a software development organization using the action research method. The project lasted three years, and approximately 120 developers were involved in updating about 63,300 source-code files, 2,314 test cases, 2,097 automated test scripts, and the build pipeline. The actions resulting from the TDM guild's efforts impacted the company's culture by introducing new software development practices and standards. Besides, they positively influenced the quality of the artifacts delivered by the developers. This study shows that, as the company acquires maturity in TDM, it increases the need for professionals dedicated to TDM's activities.


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How to Cite

Detofeno, T., Malucelli, A., & Reinehr, S. (2023). Technical Debt Guild: managing technical debt from code up to build. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 11(1), 1:1 – 1:15.



Research Article