From project-oriented to service-oriented software development: an industrial experience guided by a service reference model


  • Marcos Kalinowski Federal University of Juiz de Fora
  • Stefan Biffl Vienna University of Technology
  • Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola University of Salvador
  • Sheila Reinehr Catholic University of the State of Paraná


Service reference model, Software development as a service, Software process, Software project management, Software quality



In organizations with software systems in production, new and often unexpected requirements for development come up due to strategic, tactical, and operational customer needs. In this context, it is a strategic advantage for software suppliers to be able to provide software services that meet these demands faster and with less overhead than negotiating traditional value-neutral project-oriented software deliveries.;

Case description

This article reports on the industrial experience of restructuring the supplier-side software development process into a value-based service-oriented format, guided by a service reference model. A service level agreement (SLA) was established between supplier and customer reflecting the business needs and values. The report describes the contractual aspects and internal managerial controls employed to facilitate the compliance of the provided services with the SLA, including the integrated use of a managerial spreadsheet, an issue-tracking system, and a Kanban chart.;

Discussion and evaluation

The feasibility and results of restructuring software development into a service-oriented format are evaluated. Major results were that only moderate effort was required, around one person month, due to the support of the service reference model and a sufficient level of previously installed capabilities, and that the goals regarding improved quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction were successfully achieved. Additionally we discuss stakeholder needs, the support from the service reference model, the lessons learned, and the success factors for such restructuring.;


Restructuring software development in the format of continuous service delivery, guided by a service reference model, is feasible and for suitable contexts can provide significant benefits concerning quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction.;



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How to Cite

Kalinowski, M., Biffl, S., Spínola, R. O., & Reinehr, S. (2014). From project-oriented to service-oriented software development: an industrial experience guided by a service reference model. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 2, 10:1 – 10:21. Retrieved from



Case Study

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