Extending the Docstone to Enable a Blockchain-based Service for Customizable Assets and Blockchain Types
Document Management, Blockchain-as-a-Service, Application Programming InterfaceAbstract
Document management ensures the accurate creation and storage of records within diverse organizations, and the process has been significantly enhanced by digitization. In this sense, blockchain has been relevant for meeting document management solution requirements. Nonetheless, there are still challenges in efficiently implementing blockchain infrastructure in organizations. In this context, this article extends previous studies that propose DocStone, an architecture designed to provide and facilitate the integration of blockchain-based assets for the registration and verification of client applications from different domains. In terms of contributions, this solution allows us to configure parameters to create customizable asset templates and select blockchains through a developer-friendly application programming interface. In this study, we discuss and evaluate an adaptation of Docstone’s architecture to support new assets and smart contracts in a custom way and a mechanism that automatically generates mapped IPFS directories for each smart contract. We performed an empirical study evaluating the deployment of smart contracts and data write and read operations using different types of assets. Moreover, we analyzed design decisions for decentralized applications to build DocStone. Notably, the study’s findings reveal that NFTs have higher deployment latency times than documents in Sepolia and Alfajores. However, documents have the lowest latency time on both networks for write and read requests. Alfajores was the blockchain that stood out the most, with the lowest latency of operations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pamella Soares, Raphael Saraiva, Iago Fernandes, Allysson Allex Araújo, Jerffeson Souza, Ricardo Loiola

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