Bridging Blockchain Technology to Electronic Patient Record Engineering: A Sociotechnical and User-centered Analysis
Blockchain, Electronic Patient Record, User-centered Design, Sociotechnical AnalysisAbstract
Blockchain-based Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) are transforming clinical information management by enabling secure, transparent, and decentralized data storage. However, sociotechnical studies on the adoption and impact of collaborative work in healthcare with blockchain-based EPRs are scarce despite their influence on the engineering of these relevant systems. In this context, we conducted a sociotechnical and user-centered analysis to understand the perspective of healthcare professionals and patients on using a blockchain-based EPR and the role of this technology in meeting their requirements. To this end, we developed a Proof of Concept (PoC) of blockchain-based EPR, including its software architecture, and evaluated it through Focus Groups using real-world scenarios and user tests. Our study delivers a practical contribution to the software engineering of blockchain-based EPRs, including findings on the current use of EPR, collaborative aspects, practical adoption, lessons learned, and opportunities for improvement.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Pamella Soares, Allysson Allex Araújo, Raphael Saraiva, Jerffeson Souza

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