A portal to catalog worked examples extracted from open source software projects to support the teaching of Software Engineering
Software Engineering Education, Open Source Software Projects, Worked ExamplesAbstract
Software Engineering is continually evolving, with new techniques, tools, and processes emerging to enhance software development. However, finding real-life examples that reflect this evolution can be challenging for instructors. Open Source Software (OSS) projects offer a valuable resource in this context, as they provide access to actual development projects and environments. Despite their potential, integrating these projects into the classroom involves several hurdles, including selecting suitable projects, preparing classes, and adapting to the open-source environment. This study aims to alleviate the challenges instructors face in adopting OSS projects for teaching Software Engineering. We developed an open portal to catalog worked examples from OSS projects, thereby supporting instructors in demonstrating real-world Software Engineering concepts and techniques. Utilizing Design Science Research, we followed the Relevance, Design, and Rigor cycles to construct this solution. The primary contribution of this work is the portal itself, which helps reduce the time instructors spend searching for relevant materials and resources. Additionally, we proposed a template to create, structure, and catalog these examples and developed guidelines to assist instructors in using the worked examples effectively. We conducted a series of studies with experienced Software Engineering instructors, which indicated that the portal could significantly mitigate the challenges associated with sourcing and updating real examples. The effectiveness of the examples was also assessed based on student perceptions, revealing that exposure to worked examples from OSS projects could engage students with real projects and challenges.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Simone Tonhão, Igor Steinmacher, Thelma Colanzi

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