Solutions for Heterogeneous Data in Federated Learning through Model Similarity and Client Clustering


  • Gabriel Talasso UNICAMP
  • Leandro Villas UNICAMP



The rise of mobile devices and growing privacy concerns have posed significant challenges in distributed artificial intelligence. In this scenario, Federated Learning (FL) emerges as a promising method in which learning models are trained collaboratively and privately. However, FL also faces challenges in model convergence, optimization, and communication overhead due to data and devices heterogeneity. In this context, this work reports two solutions developed to address this problem: 1) NeuralMatch, a tool capable of identifying similarities between clients just using models and 2) FedSCCS a complete solution that uses the previous principles to create multiple models by client clustering. Both solutions have proven to be efficient and effective according to extensive experiments.


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How to Cite

Talasso, G., & Villas, L. (2024). Solutions for Heterogeneous Data in Federated Learning through Model Similarity and Client Clustering. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 22(1), 61–70.



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