Multi-Criteria Orchestration of Service Functions in Edge Mobile Networks for Multiuser Augmented Reality


  • Rodrigo Flexa UFPA
  • Hugo Santos UFRA
  • Eduardo Cerqueira UFPA
  • Denis Rosário UFPA



The increasing connection of devices to the internet intensifies the use of network resources, highlighting Collaborative Augmented Reality (RAMU), which combines virtual elements with the real environment, providing an immersive experience. This service can be divided into Service Function Chains (SFCs) and distributed among edge servers, allowing parallel execution and efficient resource sharing, mitigating scalability and consistency limitations. This work proposes the Multi-Criteria and Mobility-Aware Service Function Chain Orchestration (OSFEM), which uses a heuristic to enhance resource efficiency and quality of service (QoS) in mobile scenarios.


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How to Cite

Flexa, R., Santos, H., Cerqueira, E., & Rosário, D. (2024). Multi-Criteria Orchestration of Service Functions in Edge Mobile Networks for Multiuser Augmented Reality. Eletronic Journal of Undergraduate Research on Computing, 22(1), 71–80.



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