Vol. 20 No. 4 (2022): Special Issue - SBCM/ENCM 2022

The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) is a biannual event organized by the SBC's Special Committee on Computer Music (CECM) with a great multidisciplinary approach. Within several themes, the National School of Musical Computation (ENCM) has the character of motivating new researchers, enthusiasts and musicians in general to understand the musical and computational universe from different perspectives. In this special edition, 9 articles were selected, based on the SBCM technical committee, addressing the areas of interactive systems, languages for sound and musicals, music information retrieval and education.

Guest Editors

  • Cláudio Gomes(Federal University of Amapá)
  • Flávio Schiavoni (Federal University of São João del-Rei)
  • Tiago Tavares (INSPER)
  • Giordano Cabral (Federal University of Pernambuco)
  • Filipe Calegario (Federal University of Pernambuco)
Published: 2022-12-30

Full Papers