Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Government in Smart Cities: Possibilities and Challenges


  • Flavia Bernardini Fluminense Federal University
  • Raissa Barcellos Fluminense Federal University
  • Matheus Moreira da Cruz Fluminense Federal University



Electronic Government, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence


The concept of Smart Cities has attracted the attention of government officials, the private sector, research institutes and people in general for having as a principle the use of technology to improve services to citizens. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have attracted attention because they offer a range of solutions involving Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Thus, a city must develop e-government so that ICTs are used to improve services, encourage citizen participation and support decision making. For this, ICTs must be part of the strategic planning of a city, aiming at building integrated, intelligent and secure solutions.


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How to Cite

Bernardini, F., Barcellos, R., & Cruz, M. M. da. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Electronic Government in Smart Cities: Possibilities and Challenges. Brazil Computing, (43), 27–30.




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