Learning by Doing: Report on a Sequence of Practical Activities in Scientific Initiation Related to Computer Architecture
Scientific initiation, Memory hierarchy, microprocessors, Dedicated hardware blocksAbstract
Scientific initiation has become, in Brazil, an almost unavoidable stage in the academic career. This is partly due to the availability of scholarships provided by funding programs such as the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) and the Institutional Program for Technological Development and Innovation Initiation Scholarships (PIBIT). However, the success of scientific initiation is also due to the perception that the activities, which are typically practical, developed by students ensure a solid academic formation. This article presents a report on a set of practical activities performed by students involved in scientific initiation. Through these activities, students mastered the process of describing and prototyping architectures using hardware description languages and prototyping boards. They were also able to verify, in practice, the impact caused by dedicated hardware components, as well as the impact of memory hierarchy on performance.
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