ICT Governance in the Context of Smart Cities: A Study in Brazilian Municipalities





Smart Cities, Brazilian Municipalities, Public Sector, ICT Governance, Transparency, Information Access Law


ICT resources are essential to support, manage, and innovate cities services to citizens, especially in reference to smart cities context. From this perspective, ICT governance is fundamental to guarantee a return on investments and effectiveness in cities' administration. Based on the Brazilian cities best ranked in the Connected Smart Cities index, this work analyzed ICT governance practices in those cities. The results identified a lack of governance practices in most cities, a lack of active ICT governance transparency, and non-compliance with Brazilian access information law; thus, a set of lessons learned is structured for cities. Future studies can establish a good practice catalog and guidance as a baseline for an ICT open governance approach.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Claudio Diogo Reis, UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Ph.D. student in Information Systems (UNIRIO). Master in Technology (CEFET/RJ). MBA in IT Management and Virtual Business (CEFET/RJ). Specialist in Information Systems Auditing Standards. Graduated in Administration (UFRRJ), Mathematics (UERJ), and English (Michigan University). International Professional Certification CISA, CRISC, CDPSE, COBIT2019, and COBIT5. Twenty-five years of experience in IS auditing, governance, risk management, and process management at a public financial institution. Teacher in IT Governance, Project Management, Service Management, Information Security, Risk Management, Business Continuity, IS Audit, Business Process Management, and Strategic Planning disciplines. Volunteer at ISACA - Brasília Chapter as Director of Education. Speaker at national and international events on IT GRC&A - Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Audit since 2009. Areas of interest: Information Technology, Governance, Risk Management, Innovation, Strategic Planning, Service Management, Smart Cities, and Transparency.

Flavia Cristina Bernardini, UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense

Flavia Bernardini received the bachelor’s degree in computer science from São Paulo State University (UNESP), the master’s degree in computer science from the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo (USP), and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Institute of Computing, Fluminense Federal University (IC/UFF). She coordinates the Data Analysis Center for Citizenship (D4Ctz). She is also an Associate Researcher with the Active Design and Documentation Laboratory (ADDLabs), UFF. She has been experienced in coordinating and executing research and development projects since 2007, mainly involving the development of systems that uses Artificial Intelligence, emphasizing Machine Learning, for several problems in different application domains. In the last decade, she has turned her interests to the Smart Cities theme. In this entire context, she has published several articles, with many undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees completed and in progress. She is also an Associate Researcher with the Brazilian Network of Intelligent and Human Cities.

Claudia Cappelli, UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Professor of the Computer Science course at UERJ. Collaborator of the Graduate Program in Information Systems at UFRJ. PhD in Science - Informatics from PUC-Rio (2009). Master in Information Systems from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2000). Graduated in Computer Science from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1985). Postdoctoral internship at the Graduate Program in Informatics at UNIRIO (2010) and at UFRJ (2020). Researcher Young Scientist Our State by FAPERJ. Founder of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT-DD). Researcher in Digital Literacy at IBCIH (Brazilian Institute of Intelligent and Human Cities). Researcher in Citizen Language at LincLab (Interdisciplinary Clear Language Laboratory). Member of the Steering Committee of the SBC Digital Girls program. Mentor of the Startup Factory. Researcher in Innovation at INEI (National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation). She was Manager of the Corporate Architecture and Technology Planning Area at Citibank (1996 - 2001) and Telemar (2001 - 2003) and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Applied Informatics at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) where she coordinated the NP2Tec (Technology Research and Practice Center) (2003 - 2013) and CiberDem (CiberDemocracy Research Center) (2015-2017) both at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). She was representative of the Organizational Transparency Committee at UNIRIO and Director of Articulation with Industry at SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) (2016-2018). She worked for 8 years at Petrobras in Business Process Management Project (2008-2016) and for 2 years at CEF in Data Science with a focus on Clear Language (2018-2020). She works as a reviewer for several national and international journals. She works in the Information Systems area, mainly on the following topics: Business Process Management, Corporate Architecture, IT Management, Transparency and Digital Government.


Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Associate Professor of Information Systems courses (doctorate, master and undergraduate) at the Department of Applied Informatics at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO); founder and coordinator of NAU - UNIRIO's Accessibility and Usability Center. She holds a Doctorate in Informatics (User Interface), a Master's in Informatics (Computer Graphics), both from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC Rio) and a BA in Oceanography, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (1983). Areas of expertise and interest: Human-Computer Interaction, (Usability, Accessibility), Information Systems, and Use of Colors. He coordinated the development of the NAU website (http://nau.uniriotec.br/index.php/sobre), which was awarded the second best project in the Governmental Web Projects category of the National Accessibility Award - Todos @ Web 2016, an initiative of the Centro de Studies on Web Technologies (Ceweb.br) from the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center (NIC.br) and from the Internet Management Committee in Brazil (CGI.br), which is supported by the Brazilian office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Brazil). Author of the book e-Usabilidade (ISBN 978-85-216-1651-1) published and released in September 2008, by Editora LTC (http://www.ltceditora.com.br/).


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How to Cite

Reis, L. C. D., Bernardini, F. C., Cappelli, C., & Ferreira, S. B. L. (2021). ICT Governance in the Context of Smart Cities: A Study in Brazilian Municipalities. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 14(3), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.5753/isys.2021.1642



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