A Catalog of Heuristics to Support the Design of Systems-of-Systems
Systems-of-Systems, SoS, heuristics, designAbstract
As the presence of systems-of-systems (SoS) intensifies in daily life, professionals face challenges concerning the independence of constituent systems. Addressing these challenges at the design phase is imperative to ensure seamless integration and operational efficiency. In this context, we introduce a catalog of design concerns and practices, herein referred as ``heuristics'', which aims to offer direction for SoS design. To do so, we grounded in a three-step research method. Firstly, we conducted a systematic mapping study (SMS) to identify which heuristics have been applied to SoS design. Next, we discussed the SMS results in a focus group with professionals to analyze and refine the heuristics. Finally, we surveyed experts to evaluate which heuristics are appropriate to SoS design, resulting in a heuristics catalog. This catalog serves as a resource for professionals, enabling them to pinpoint pivotal concerns at the design phase. Moreover, it offers a repository of knowledge, ensuring that professionals do not have to ``reinvent the wheel'' but can leverage tried-and-true practices to enhance their efficacy.
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