Representing ethical decision-making graphically
EDMM, Ethics, Information Systems, Graphical RepresentationsAbstract
Ethical Decision-Making Models (EDMMs) can formalize the course of action through which agents reach their decision-making processes, concerning morals and ethics. The interest in ethical decision-making both from academia and practitioners in Business Computing has increased recently due to the applied computing advances, specially regarding Artificial Intelligence. Research is mainly focused on theoretical models to explain ethical decision-making, factors that influence it or measuring tools to assess it. However, to the best of our knowledge there is an absence of a graphic resource to represent the elements of an EDMM that goes beyond the textual scope. This paper is a first proposal in thinking-making a graphical representation that includes elements of EDMM, enables a more complete information panorama as possible, documents ethical decision-making and facilitates the visualization of these knowledge assets.
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