UQE-3D: a usability evaluation method of 3D user interfaces for the elderly
3D user interface, elderly, evaluation, UQE-3D, usabilityAbstract
Health professionals could use 3D user interfaces to support elderly rehabilitation, offering fun and engagement during physical and cognitive activities. The evaluation of these immersive applications needs instruments designed for the specific context. This study presents and validates a new usability evaluation method for 3D user interfaces for the elderly. We developed the UQE-3D questionnaire from previous studies keeping in mind the 3D aspects and technological language suitable for the target public. To apply it, we used a protocol considering a demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Exam, the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale, the SUS Scale, the UQE-3D, and a structured interview. We also executed an experiment considering a heterogeneous group with 30 subjects (60+ years), where seven participants were institutionalized elderly. UQE-3D presented good results showing a mean score of 82.60 (range 1-100). UQE-3D and SUS scores did not show a statistically significant difference, highlighting the UQE-3D to be sufficient and effective in identifying the usability issues seen in the assessment of 3D user interfaces for the elderly. The method has the potential to evaluate and ensure the quality of 3D context-specific applications, considering appropriate terminology and contributing to the development of technologies fitting for the elderly.
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