ARFood: an augmented-reality food diary app for asynchronous collaborative interaction




Augmented Reality, Collaboration, Food Recognition, Nutrition


This work presents the development and evaluation of ARFood, a mobile app for cooperation between nutritionists and patients through records in a food diary, including Augmented Reality resources, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for food recognition, and asynchronous collaboration. We used Unity to create the app, integrating different libraries such as LogMeal for food recognition, EDAMAM for nutritional analysis, Vuforia for augmented reality interaction, and Firebase for cloud data storage. We proceed with a pilot study with six nutritionist-patient pairs to validate the technology acceptance. Mean score results showed a medium level of acceptance by nutritionists and a satisfactory level by the group of patients (3.54 x 4.38 for perceived ease of use and 3.33 x 3.75 for perceived usefulness, Likert scale). Despite this, nutritionists and patients (83.3%) reported that they would recommend using the application as a tool for recording and monitoring a food diary. Augmented reality and computer vision proved to be outstanding resources for a Nutrition app, showing a potential usage trend as long as the insertion of more digital content and a food recognition model to recognize regional cuisine.


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, J. P. A.; MADALOZZO, G. A.; ALVES, A. L. S.; RIEDER, R. ARFood: an augmented-reality food diary app for asynchronous collaborative interaction. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 15, n. 1, p. 750–761, 2024. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2024.4346. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



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