Analyzing the Learners’ Experience of an Experimental HCI Course in a Remote Context




Learner Experience, Experimental HCI, Remote Learning, LX Analysis, LX Elements


Learner eXperience (LX) is learners’ perceptions, responses, and performances through interaction with educational technologies, involving behaviors, attitudes, sensations, emotional responses, and others. Therefore, this paper reports learners’ experiences in Experimental Human-Computer Interaction (Experimental HCI) course in the remote learning format. The activities consisted of synchronous and asynchronous classes. Participants in this exploratory study were undergraduate computer science and graduate computer science learners from a Brazilian university. This study sought to verify the LX elements that may have influenced the learners’ knowledge, such as Value, Usability, Desirability, Comfortability, and Adaptability. Thus, learners shared positive and negative feelings regarding their experiences using educational technologies. Finally, 16 LX guidelines for remote learning are presented. It is believed that the knowledge acquired in the course can contribute to preparing these young researchers for research in academy and industry, including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral learners. The results of this exploratory study can direct and support future courses in the remote learning format.


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How to Cite

SILVA, D. E. dos S.; GUERINO, G. C.; VALENTIM, N. M. C. Analyzing the Learners’ Experience of an Experimental HCI Course in a Remote Context. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 14, n. 1, p. 341–353, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2023.3243. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 nov. 2024.



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