Usability and User Experience of Multi-touch Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study and Benchmark




Multi-touch, Usability, User Experience, Evaluation Technologies


Each software context has its specificities. One specfic type of context is the multi-touch, where two or more touches are recognized by the software at the same time. Still in this context, User eXperience (UX) and Usability are relevant criteria related to multi-touch systems quality, and evaluation technologies are used to assess this quality. But which are these technologies? This is the central question that the Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) seeks to answer. Besides this question, another 18 sub-questions were addressed to find out more about the peculiarities of the technologies and how they can affect the state of the art of evaluating multi-touch systems. This SMS returned 622 papers, which were analyzed using two filters. Finally, 65 papers had their data extracted through the 18 sub-questions. These extractions raised information such as the software used, data collection methods, and aspects evaluated by the technologies. Through these data, we noticed an absence of technologies explicitly built for the multi-touch context. Other gaps were also perceived, such as the need for technologies that jointly assess quantitative and qualitative data; and technologies that focus on jointly evaluating Usability and UX. Perceiving the lack of synthesized content and characteristics about the questionnaires, we also performed a benchmark over the questionnaires identified in the SMS to serve as a future guide when applicators must choose the better technology for their context.


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How to Cite

FILHO, G. K.; GUERINO, G. C.; VALENTIM, N. M. C. Usability and User Experience of Multi-touch Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study and Benchmark. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 14, n. 1, p. 292–316, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2023.3279. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



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