An Instrument for the Evaluation of Transparency Mechanisms in Software Ecosystem Portals


  • Alexandre Inácio Meireles Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Claudia Cappelli Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Software Ecosystems, Transparency, Social Web, Assessment


  Companies have opened up their software/systems architectures to enable collaboration from external developers and users, forming software ecosystems (SECO). In this context, social web support environments, such as web portals, are fundamental to enable coordination, collaboration and interaction within a SECO. One of the challenges faced is to assess the transparency of these portals in order to improve the experience of developers. This work aims to develop a questionnaire that allows evaluating transparency in SECO portals according to the ecosystem objectives.  To do so, an exploratory study was carried out in two SECO portals. Next, we performed a systematic mapping study regarding how transparency and its characteristics have been investigated in the SECO literature. The first version of the artifact was evaluated with ten SECO experts and allowed us to generate the Instrument for Assessing Transparency in SECO Portals (ITRANSPE). Next, a new study was executed with developers and the final version of the instrument for evaluating contributions of transparency characteristics and proposing suggestions, if any of them are not present in SECO portals.


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Author Biographies

Alexandre Inácio Meireles, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



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How to Cite

Meireles, A. I., dos Santos, R. P., & Cappelli, C. (2019). An Instrument for the Evaluation of Transparency Mechanisms in Software Ecosystem Portals. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 12(2), 05–38.



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