Fast and Robust 3D Reconstruction Solution from Permissive Open-Source Code




reconstruction, photogrammetry, permissive license, batch, texture


With the growth of access to faster computers and more powerful cameras, the 3D reconstruction of objects has become one of the public's main topics of research and demand. This task is vigorously applied in creating virtual environments, creating object models, and other activities. One of the techniques for obtaining 3D features is photogrammetry, mapping objects and scenarios using only images. However, this process is very costly and can be pretty time-consuming for large datasets. This paper proposes a robust, efficient reconstruction pipeline with a low runtime in batch processing and permissive code. It is even possible to commercialize it without the need to keep the code open. We mix an improved structure from motion algorithm and a recurrent multi-view stereo reconstruction. We also use the Point Cloud Library for normal estimation, surface reconstruction, and texture mapping. We compare our results with state-of-the-art techniques using benchmarks and our datasets. The results showed a decrease of 69.4% in the average execution time, with high quality but a greater need for more images to achieve complete reconstruction.


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How to Cite

LYRA, V. G. de M.; PINTO, A. H. M.; LIMA, G. C. R.; LIMA, J. P.; TEICHRIEB, V.; QUINTINO, J. P.; SILVA, F. Q. B. da; SANTOS, A. L. M.; PINHO, H. Fast and Robust 3D Reconstruction Solution from Permissive Open-Source Code. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 206–218, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2021.2065. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



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