MamuLEDs: Mixed Reality meets Mamulengo




Mixed Reality, Hand Tracking, Mamulengo, MamuLED, Puppetry


Techniques of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR, AR, MR) have been used for puppet theater in different cultural contexts around the world. However, we are not yet aware of the use of these techniques in the Brazilian Northeast Popular Puppet Theater, a tradition known in Pernambuco as Mamulengo. We present here a system developed for “The Quarrel Between the Real Puppet and the Virtual Puppet,” a sketch created for the class Realidade Virtual e Aumentada of Computer Science program at CIn-UFPE. This paper aims to investigate how VR/AR/MR techniques can contribute to the creation of mamulengo shows. We used the method of qualitative case study, analyzing the audiovisual records of essays and presentation, the software solution developed in Unity 3D, and the data collected from a focus group interview with puppeteers. This study identified as weaknesses of our system: the hand tracking unreliability and the lack of tactile feedback, causing discomfort in experienced puppeteering professionals. As strengthens of the system, we found that the technology aroused interest because of its potential for expanding the options of tools available for popular puppetry shows creation in current times.


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How to Cite

JÁCOME, J.; OLIVEIRA, M.; ALVIM, F.; TEICHRIEB, V.; RAMALHO, G. MamuLEDs: Mixed Reality meets Mamulengo. Journal on Interactive Systems, Porto Alegre, RS, v. 11, n. 1, p. 12–26, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/jis.2020.771. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 jan. 2025.



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