Conducting Socially Aware and Value Oriented Investigations: a Case Study on the Violence Against Children and Adolescents
Socially Aware Design, Values, Violence, Children and AdolescentsAbstract
In challenging social contexts of technology design, such as those involving fighting the violence against children and adolescents, the consideration of human values is critical, as they influence people's social and cultural lives. Considering values when understanding a social problem is not a trivial activity due to the difficulty of working with abstract concepts, the complexity of people's lives, and the lack of artifacts and recommendations to support designers in this task. Drawing on the Socially Aware Design approach, this paper describes the use of value-oriented artifacts to understand the problem and to identify requirements for the design of a computational solution in this context. As a result, the problem of violence against children is characterized in a socially-aware manner: 58 stakeholders were identified in the problem domain, which led to an analysis of 60 challenges of the violence impact and of 31 proposals of solutions were mapped to face these challenges. Stakeholder’s values in the fight against violence context were identified, which enabled the identification of 43 value-oriented requirements for potential technological solutions for the context.
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