Will My Data Be Legacies? An Elderly Perspective on Digital Assets and Digital Legacies
Digital Assets, Digital Legacy, Senior CitizensAbstract
The number of senior citizens who use mobile phones is increasing each year in Brazil. This trend means they are producers of digital assets (which may eventually become a legacy), due to constant data generation. This exploratory study follows a quantitative and qualitative approach and uses a survey as a data collection technique to address the research subject – investigating the perspective of senior citizens regarding digital legacy and assets. The authors conclude, given the importance of the results, that it is still necessary to pursue a larger study with the elderly for the development of initiatives that help improve knowledge and technology use as well as to increase their perception about their own digital assets.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aline E. C. Verhalen, Cristiano Maciel, Patricia C. de Souza, Kamila R. da Hora Rodrigues

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