Analysis of Compiler Tools in Virtualized Environments




Compilers, Parsers, Tools, Education


The use of teaching tools has become an alternative to complement the learning of school content. This paper provides some overview aspects of Compilation and performance analysis of the computational tools GALS, Grammophone, The Context Grammar Free Checker, Verto, and Parsing Simulator that were developed to support the compilation process and aim at assisting the learning in Compilers course. There are several known tools, but only a few were built for academic purposes and will be presented in this paper, as they were tested by students in the Compilers course in the Undergraduate course and also int the Master’s course in Computer Science at a Brazilian Public University in Paraná to analyze hypotheses, to help verifying parsing examples and to exchange experiences about these Compiler tools. It was observed that the lexical and mainly syntactic analysis phases become more didactic and attractive to the students, making it easier to understand their functionalities and implementation of a compiler as a whole. GALS has shown to be a good option with a simple interface, working with lexical and syntactic analysis for more than one language (Java, C++ and Delphi). Studies of Context Free Grammars in LL(1), LR(0) and LR(1) format may be favored not only with GALS, but also with the tools Grammophone and The Context Grammar Free Checker. Verto, on the other hand, works didactically, not only on the lexical and syntactic analysis steps (the latter also with LR(1) Parser), but also on code generation. Parsing Simulator proved to be an intuitive tool and also presents an extensive collection of syntactic analysis options showing the step by step LL(1) and LR(K) analysis tables, promoting teaching-learning in Compilers.


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How to Cite

BARBOSA, C. R. S. C. de; FARIA, C. R. e; CAMPANO JUNIOR, M. M. Analysis of Compiler Tools in Virtualized Environments. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 1262–1290, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.2302. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


