Systematic review of studies and applications of diversified pedagogical models


  • Rafael de Almeida Brochado UNICAMP/IFSP
  • Marco Antônio Garcia de Carvalho UNICAMP



Pedagogical model, Information and Communication Technologies;, Active methodologies, Blended Learning


Pedagogical models are systems for organizing teaching and learning practices. Pedagogical models are based on learning theories, government laws in the education area and other guiding documents. Nonetheless, nowadays, features founded in traditional pedagogical models no longer seem to serve their purpose, due to the existence of a new generation of students increasingly connected to the Internet, familiar with digital technologies and, therefore, with low engagement and interest in traditional educational activities, more centered on the teacher and on the transmission and assimilation of the educational content. The goal of this paper is to discuss and analyze different types of pedagogical models, called diversified pedagogical models, identifying important features for the definition of a hybrid pedagogical model that aims guiding teachers in the use of information and communication technologies, active methodologies and learning management systems in a blended learning curricula. For this purpose, a systematic review was performed, such that 14 articles written in English and Portuguese were selected and analyzed. Finally, it was verified in the literature the presence of studies on diversified pedagogical models and it was possible to identify the essential features in order to build a hybrid pedagogical model.


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How to Cite

BROCHADO, R. de A.; CARVALHO, M. A. G. de. Systematic review of studies and applications of diversified pedagogical models. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 718–745, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.29.0.718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.


