SESVR: Virtual Reality as an Assistant in the Teaching/Learning Process of SocioEmotional Skills


  • Arthur Georges Fakhouri Faculdade de Informática de Presidente Prudente (FIPP/UNOESTE)
  • Camelia Santina Murgo Faculdade de Psicologia de Presidente Prudente (UNOESTE)
  • Robson Augusto Siscoutto Faculdade de Informática de Presidente Prudente (FIPP/UNOESTE)



Virtual Reality, Social Skills, Emotional Skills, Social Emotional Skills


Socio-emotional skills aim to develop an education of students' critical interaction with the complexity of the world. However, the current teaching methodology is based on the dialogic and expository class, with a survey of previous knowledge, using a handout and the student's and teacher's notebook that provide assistants to complement a theoretical basis of the class, such as videos, articles, among other activities, in addition to the contents to be received. However, traditional teaching methods and the lack of teacher qualification make teaching a demotivator. With the advancement of technology, the use of technologies such as virtual reality can be a motivating aid in the teaching process, as it allows the user to immerse and interact in a three-dimensional virtual environment in real time and generated on a computer. Therefore, this work presents a virtual reality tool for the development of socio-emotional skills of elementary school students using the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). From the competences designated by the BNCC and the co-advisor experience in psychology the positives in educational contexts, the virtual environments were contextualized, gamified and basic proposals to reach as visible talents in education. For the development, web and mobile technologies were used. With the specific complete tool, it was considered a usability test for virtual reality applications, presented with a final average of 4 classes of 5.0, considered suitable for use, in the future, in classrooms.


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Author Biographies

Arthur Georges Fakhouri, Faculdade de Informática de Presidente Prudente (FIPP/UNOESTE)

Universidade de Oeste Paulista - Unoeste

Camelia Santina Murgo, Faculdade de Psicologia de Presidente Prudente (UNOESTE)

Universidade do Oeste Paulista - Unoeste


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How to Cite

FAKHOURI, A. G.; MURGO, C. S.; SISCOUTTO, R. A. SESVR: Virtual Reality as an Assistant in the Teaching/Learning Process of SocioEmotional Skills. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 30, p. 471–493, 2022. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2022.2617. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


