Usability of Canvas and Blackboard Learning Management Systems: A case study at a Brazilian University




Human Computer-Interface, Usability, Interaction, Inspection, Learning Management System, EaD, Canvas, Blackboard


Educational institutions should carefully evaluate the usability of their Learning Management Systems (LMS) before delivering them to teachers and students. This paper presents the process and the results of the usability evaluations in the teaching-learning activities supported by the Canvas and the Blackboard LMS at a Brazilian University. The methodology considered tests with users to evaluate five usability features in the Canvas and Blackboard systems. In addition, usability experts performed usability inspections to analyze problems and possible solutions. The results indicated that both platforms have severe usability issues. In terms of the comparisons between the two LMS systems, the results did not show a significant disparity in usability between them. As a result, we also pointed out the main problems and solutions of the LMS.


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How to Cite

EXPOSTO SOARES, L.; CLEMENTINO JÚNIOR, J. M.; VIEIRA BRITO, L. A.; GIL GONZAGA, R.; ANTICO, H. A.; JARDIM DE AZEVEDO, R.; ALANIZ MACEDO, A. Usability of Canvas and Blackboard Learning Management Systems: A case study at a Brazilian University. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 149–173, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2921. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.


