Development of music appreciation in deaf children through vibration stimulation from a mobile app


  • Universidad Veracruzana
  • Universidad Veracruzana



Inclusión, Sordo, Música, Vibrotáctil, Aplicación Móvil


Music as an acoustic phenomenon is closely related to the sense of hearing, which is why it is possibly difficult to conceive that people with profound hearing disabilities or deaf people may be able to understand the concepts associated with this phenomenon. For a person who lives without hearing impairment, accessing the musical components and developing in this area in many cases is natural. However, the teaching of music and its concepts by traditional methods is not feasible in the case of people with auditory disability. For that particular case, it will be better to resort to other senses, such as the sense of touch. Therefore, this research article describes the process through which the teaching of concepts associated with music in a group of deaf children is approached through a mobile application, using stimulation through the vibrations generated by mobile phones. Nevertheless, due to the prevailing conditions of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the investigation had to be carried out remotely, having the possibility of monitoring only a sample of the children of the original group, by monitoring interactions with the application.


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How to Cite

ANDRÉS EDUARDO; JOSÉ RAFAEL. Development of music appreciation in deaf children through vibration stimulation from a mobile app. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 29, p. 1007–1037, 2021. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2021.29.0.1007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 sep. 2024.



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