The Use of a Simulator for the Teaching of Mechanical Ventilation


  • Tatiana de Assis Girardi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Daniel Girardi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Invasive mechanical ventilation, Simulation, Physiotherapy, Teaching


Current mechanical fans are complex systems controlled by microprocessors. This sophistication requires proper handling, knowledge of the indications and parameter settings. However, training future healthcare professionals is a difficult task because it involves human beings, procedures are complex, and the necessary infrastructure is costly. Therefore, in view of the difficulties encountered in teaching and training in invasive mechanical ventilation, this work had as objectives: 1) to develop a software (the Didatic Simulator of Mechanical Ventilation, which is a virtual simulator based on the web to help the learning process in invasive mechanical ventilation 2) to evaluate if the Didatic Simulator of Mechanical Ventilation can assist in the teaching of invasive mechanical ventilation and 3) to evaluate if a cross-platform system is attractive for use in the classroom. In order to develop the simulator, four steps were performed: 1) Literature review; 2) Extraction and analysis of the suggestions of the selected works; 3) Development of the simulator and 4) Pilot study with the Didactic Simulator of Mechanical Ventilation. The pilot study with the simulator was carried out with physiotherapy students and the results obtained with the questionnaire revealed that even though adjustments were required in the layout, navigability and increase of resources, the simulator had a very good acceptance by the academics, who reported that the use of the simulator promoted greater interest and motivation for learning the invasive mechanical ventilation subject. Academics will benefit from yet another free web-based virtual simulator option that is available for free and in its full version. In this way, it will enable academics to be closer to what they will find in their professional practice, through an interactive activity and contextualized with theory, aiding the learning process in invasive mechanical ventilation.


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How to Cite

GIRARDI, T. de A.; GIRARDI, D.; MARQUES, J. L. B. The Use of a Simulator for the Teaching of Mechanical Ventilation. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 297–318, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2020.28.0.297. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


