Enigmas de Yucatàn: Digital Educational Resource for Teaching Spatial Geometry





Educational Games, Teaching of Geometry, Base Nacional Comum Curricular


In teaching Spatial Geometry, the perspective of problem-solving is fundamental, as it allows the student to face questions and think critically, enabling the development of logical and spatial reasoning and not just the use of formulas, emphasizing the visualization of situations, geometric shapes and their representation in the plane. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the educational quality of the educational game Enigmas de Yucatàn for mobile devices, which aims to provide didactic situations for teaching spatial transformations. We adopt educational software quality assessment techniques. The subjects were 6 Mathematics teachers and 11 high school students who used the game and then filled out an evaluation form. A third group was composed of 3 specialists in educational materials who analyzed the compliance of the materials concerning the Brazilian educational legislation regarding the placement of contents in educational materials. The results show that the material produced complies with the law, being perceived by teachers and students as a relevant, relevant and effective material for teaching and learning the notions of spatial geometric transformations.


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How to Cite

QUEIROS, L. M.; GOMES, A. S.; PEREIRA, J. W.; CASTRO FILHO, J. A. de; SANTOS, E. M. dos; SILVA NETO, D. F. da. Enigmas de Yucatàn: Digital Educational Resource for Teaching Spatial Geometry. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 30, p. 108–134, 2022. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2022.2140. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/rbie/article/view/2140. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


