Paths for the Implementation of Digital Games Interclasse in Physical Education Teaching in the Pandemic Scenarios of Covid-19




Teaching, Interclass of Digital Games, PE, Microethnography


This investigation has as its field of research a state school in the education network of Ceará. Analyze- It involves particularities of a new state school to the interclass games, carried out by the annual school that involves students of a professional education. Due to the programmed analyzes of microethnographic games of Covid-19 then programmed by Covid-19, in this investigation, a new modality of interclass digital games will be carried out: the public Interclass of microethnographic games, so it was never planned by the state education network. Such a strategy was thought of as physical models for Education and, directly, a discipline of their practices, before the realization of achievements in traditional games. The conduction of the investigation was based on the following adoring question: North American and Viable Digital Games for Physical Education Practice, given the changes made by the Pandemia, in the Seara da Educação? From the need for adaptation, it became necessary to create real trenches of public shelters for the student, attracting and inserting him in the school environment, at first, remotely and, later, with the resumption of face-to-face classes, without loss the guiding thread from intelligent thinking to on-code programming games, development of their technologies. This study points to the dawn of new educational practices that leave an important legacy, not a specific area of knowledge, but a solid foundation for a true interdisciplinary practice.


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How to Cite

SILVA, V. L. P. e; DAVID, P. B. Paths for the Implementation of Digital Games Interclasse in Physical Education Teaching in the Pandemic Scenarios of Covid-19. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 511–528, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2616. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



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