Report of an educational experience with the use of image synthesizing artificial intelligences: debate on recent advances and possibilities in creative synthesis




Artificial intelligence, Natural intelligence, Creative synthesis, Media education


The present work analyzes potentialities in creative synthesis from the use of image synthesizing artificial intelligences (AIs), based on experiments with Midjourney, Craiyon, Dream and DALL-E, carried out during an interactive online debate with Technical High School students. It provides a report of the educational experience, which included scientific divulgation, digital and computational literacy and media education, based on discussions and reflections on the concepts of intelligence, AI and natural intelligence (NI). The article presents a summary of the event, the impressions and productions of the participating public, as well as proposes the concept of creative synthesis as the production, by intelligent systems, of adaptive responses to the adversities placed. Education about and with AI is necessary and urgent, since the disruptions caused by its uses are already impacting all strategic sectors of nations. The results of the reported experience indicate the youth's interest in understanding and appropriating AI technologies.


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Author Biographies

Filipe Albuquerque Ito Russo, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Filipe Russo is an agender indigenous member of the Wyka Kwara Multiethnic Association, born in the ancestral territory of Manaós, residing in Piratininga. Author of the award-winning novels Dear Young Adult (2012; 2022) and Asfixia (2014). They have won academic excellence awards in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Gamification, Empathy and Affective Computing. Graduated in Mathematics from the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sao Paulo (IME-USP). Specialist in Computing Applied to Education from the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of USP (ICMC-USP). They completed continuing education courses in High Skills or Giftedness: Identification and Specialized Educational Assistance by the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and in Specialized Educational Assistance Service by the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Reviewer in the scientific journal Revista Neurodiversidade. Researcher in the groups TransObject associated with the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP), MatematiQueer with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and GFILL with the Federal University of Maranhao (UFMA).

Nanahira de Rabelo e Sant'Anna, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Nanahira de Rabelo e Sant’Anna holds a Ph.D. degree in Development, Society and International Cooperation from the Center for Multidisciplinary Advanced Studies (CEAM) of the University of Brasilia (UnB) and is Science and Technology Analyst of the Brazilian Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO). Having 14 years of career in the federal public service, experience with policies of informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) and with international relations regarding trade, industry, investment, science, technology, innovation and communications. Recent works include: Global Environmental Governance and ODA from Japan to Brazil (co-authored with S. Masukata and C. Y. A. Inoue, Springer Nature 2023); Fostering bottom-up collaborative connections in science, technology and innovation: the case of Brazil-Australia cooperation (co-authored with C. Elsner, Ipea 2022); Brazil’s international cooperation in science, technology and innovation in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic (co-authored with A. C. Dantas and J. Mascarello, Ipea 2020); Nikkei community of Paracatu, MG and its development experiences in the context of Prodecer (USP 2019); and Cooperation in science, technology and innovation between Brazil and Japan in the 21st century: contributions to development (Novas Edicoes Academicas 2017).

Rodrigo Hideki Imai, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Rodrigo Hideki Imai completed Elementary School at the Municipal Elementary School (EMEF) Sérgio Milliet (2019) and High School with a Technical Degree in Mechatronics at the State Technical School (ETEC) Martin Luther King (2022). Currently pursuing a degree in Mechatronics Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (Poli-USP). Junior scientific initiation fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Medalist in Sao Paulo, Brazilian and International Mathematics Olympiads.


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How to Cite

RUSSO, F. A. I.; SANT’ANNA, N. de R. e; IMAI, R. H. Report of an educational experience with the use of image synthesizing artificial intelligences: debate on recent advances and possibilities in creative synthesis. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 814–828, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2914. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



Special Issue :: Remote Teaching in the Post-Pandemic