Contrasts and Convergencies in Post-Pandemic Teaching Formation: Digital inclusion in teaching public institutions in the Pernambuco state




Teaching Formation, Digital Inclusion, Public Teaching, Pandemic


The pandemic provoked by the fast propagation of Covid-19 forced countries to adopt rigid sanitary measures worldwide. This scenario led public schools in Pernambuco state to migrate to promote emergency remote teaching. However, the implantation of emergency remote teaching is a singular challenge, triggering changes that can affect the school community concerning emotions and feelings provoked during this abrupt transition process. Thus, this work aims to investigate how the contrasts and convergencies in teaching formation about digital inclusion in high school public institutions in Pernambuco state are expressed. To this end, we conducted qualitative research using interviews and other documental sources. The research context is two cities: Recife and Manari. The research participants were two public technical high school teachers in Pernambuco state. Two relations were found among the first obtained results: (i) the ubiquity challenge in teaching formation is present for two participants, and (ii) the ubiquity challenge is also present in the digital inclusion scenario in two researched cities. The authors believe that other relations, mainly concerning contrasts, can still be identified in collected data in further analyses and discussions.


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How to Cite

BISPO JUNIOR, E. L.; SANTOS, C. da S.; FERREIRA, R. S. de L.; SOUZA, V. L. R. de; ABRANCHES, S. P.; SANTOS, S. C. dos. Contrasts and Convergencies in Post-Pandemic Teaching Formation: Digital inclusion in teaching public institutions in the Pernambuco state. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 844–868, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2947. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



Special Issue :: Remote Teaching in the Post-Pandemic