Gamification in SPOCs to Enhance User Engagement in Remote Learning




SPOCs, Gamification, Remote Teaching


The gamification of assessment activities using elements of games might significantly contribute to the engagement and motivation of students. This contribution generates an increase in knowledge linked to Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs): courses designed to attend fewer participants and can be used to support remote teaching. The gamification process must be studied, as it presents protocols to be followed. The gamification procedure involves resources directly related to the platform on which SPOC is hosted. The analysis of these resources must be considered for the success of the gamification, as well as the efficiency of the gamified activity in productively fixing knowledge. Currently, there are numerous platforms with characteristics such as the business rule and available resources such as forums, video lessons, and quizzes. However, only some offer resources to apply gamification. It is possible to find demotivation in students, causing a learning lag and even abandonment of studies. The use of gamification can contribute to the improvement of this situation. Moreover, through gamification, the teachers can apply diversified activities that are more attractive to the study. This work proposes a gamification strategy and conducts a case study to evaluate its effectiveness in software testing activities. The impact of gamification was analyzed, applying the activities in conjunction with a SPOC. Also, the effects of gamification were investigated, using the activities together with a SPOC. The application of gamification showed that it is possible to increase students' commitment to the realization of the proposed activities from its elements of games. With this, teachers will be able to understand the relevance of gamification and its importance for improving learning performance and students' interest in remote teaching.


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How to Cite

HERCULANI, J. B.; PRATES, J. M.; MELO, S. M.; GARCIA, R. E.; MALDONADO, J. C. Gamification in SPOCs to Enhance User Engagement in Remote Learning. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 759–789, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2950. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



Special Issue :: Remote Teaching in the Post-Pandemic