A Teaching-Learning Approach to Computer System Design Using the CompSim Simulator with RISC-V Architecture Support





Support for Teaching-Learning, Design of Computational Systems, Simulation Tool, CompSim, RISC-V


The current technological context - with intelligent electronic devices interconnected to the Internet, cloud services, robotics, autonomous cars, and Industry 4.0, among other innovations - was only possible due to the emergence of the Computer. However, in the teaching and learning processes on computational systems design, knowledge related to the physical design of the computing platform, programming, and efficient operation is required. These contents are extensive and complex and demand challenging methodologies and computational tools that contemplate the teaching and learning process of both the theoretical framework and the project practice. Thus, this paper aims to present an approach to simplify learning through the practice of projects of computational systems in a simulation environment. In order to achieve this, the computational simulator CompSim with a RISC-V processor simulation model has been used. In this manner, it is possible to: design highly complex computational systems in the simulation environment and simulate them to validate design requirements, such as functional behavior and system performance, thus providing an approach to support the learning and design of new computer systems. For validating the proposed approach, an evaluation process was conducted through questionnaires applied to system users, professors, and students, in case study scenarios. The questionnaire responses, based on rubric analysis, made it possible to analyze the quality of the simulator user experience and the pedagogical support provided by the proposed approach.


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How to Cite

ESMERALDO, G. Álvaro R. M.; FEITOSA, R. G. F.; BARROS, E. N. da S.; PROTO, E. C. P. da S.; MELLO, H. M. de; LISBOA, E. B.; BISPO JR., E. L.; CAMPOS, G. A. L. de. A Teaching-Learning Approach to Computer System Design Using the CompSim Simulator with RISC-V Architecture Support. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 31, p. 271–288, 2023. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2023.2951. Disponível em: https://journals-sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/rbie/article/view/2951. Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.



Special Issue :: Remote Teaching in the Post-Pandemic