Hybrid Living Spaces: Possibilities for Reading Infographics
Reading, Blended Learning, InfographicAbstract
The objective of this work is to present the description of the development of an educational intervention project, which aimed to improve the reading ability of elementary school students, specifically the reading of texts that use verbal and non-verbal language to generate meaning. The intervention project is the final part of a research carried out in a public school in the rural area of the city of Montes Claros (MG), where it was found that there was a lack of textual understanding on the part of the students, when they came across multisemiotic texts. The research included the initial phase, of data collection and measurement of the information obtained; formulation of action strategies to solve the detected problem; development of these strategies; and finally, an evaluation of the efficiency of the applied strategies, expanding the understanding of this new situation. The intervention project used blended learning as a possibility to develop the reading comprehension of infographics. As a result, the work highlights the importance of using active methodologies associated with personalized education and the real conditions of applicability in elementary education, in a public school
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