On Open-source Software Graduate Teaching: Strategies and Lessons Learned
Computing Education, Open-Source Software, Experience ReportAbstract
One way to provide computer science students with exposure to the world of open-source software is through the offering of courses on this topic. Such exposure allows these students to have, among other things, the opportunity to deal with real-world problems experienced daily in the software industry. This paper describes a case study of two offerings of the course "Open-source Software Development" for Computer Science and Information Systems courses. It is hoped that this work will be able to share good practices, challenges, and lessons learned about teaching free software in undergraduate courses, in such a way as to reveal "the path of the stones" and encourage other teachers to focus on the subject. As the main results of the offerings of this course, based on the answers given in a questionnaire answered by 37 students, it was observed that 36 (97%) of them would strongly recommend the course to others and that 31 (83%) felt more confident and more prepared to contribute to free software projects after having taken the course.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Paulo Afonso Parreira Júnior, Júlio César Alves, André Pimenta Freire, Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, Igor Scaliante Wiese
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