Autism and New Technologies: Reflections on Brazilian Publications in the face of French Recommendations


  • Yuska P. C. Aguiar UFPB – Campus IV
  • Williby S. Ferreira UFPE – Campus Recife
  • Rafael F. Cordeiro UFPB - Campus I
  • Juliana A. G. Saraiva UFPB – Campus IV
  • Carole Tardif Air-Marseille Université
  • Edith Galy Université Nice Sophia Antipolis



Autism, Digital Resources, Software Development Guideline, Inclusion


The heterogeneity of the symptoms of autistic requires case-specific interventions. In Brazil, since 2012, government guidelines were established to guarantee the inclusion of the population with autism, including the enrolment of them in regular schools with technology support. As a consequence, academic research and assistive solutions have been boosted in academia and the software industry. On the other hand, France has been studying this part of the population and proposing public policies in the last two decades. Therefore, a descriptive comparative analysis of the Assistive Technology resources that have been developed, used and evaluated in Brazil, according to the French recommendations is relevant in an attempt to improve and direct efforts based on more mature experiences. In this scenario, the national scientific production on "Autism, Education and Technology" was mapped to compile information about the researches through a literature review, contemplating 33 articles that identified the predominance of educational software solutions for autistic children. Then, a descriptive comparative analysis was performed between the Brazilian solutions reported in the literature with the report built by the International Foundation for Applied Research on Disability (FIRAH, France), which aims to minimize problems and maximize gains in the technologies usage by people with autism. It was noticed in both, national publications and the guide recommended by France, that there is a deficit in technical-scientific contributions that can support the developing process and quality evaluation of autistic assistive resources in Software Engineering. Also, from the user's point of view, some initiatives can be taken for maximizing software quality and provide adequate user experiences. As a result we proposed twelve (12) recommendations to improve software suitability to individuals with autism, such as, provide a timer, activities with progressive levels, multimedia and multimodal interface, content and media customization, etc.


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How to Cite

AGUIAR, Y. P. C.; FERREIRA, W. S.; CORDEIRO, R. F.; SARAIVA, J. A. G.; TARDIF, C.; GALY, E. Autism and New Technologies: Reflections on Brazilian Publications in the face of French Recommendations. Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 528–548, 2020. DOI: 10.5753/rbie.2020.28.0.528. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


